Calling Rates
Rates for calls to intrastate (within Oregon) dialed telephone numbers are normally billed 5 cents per minute depending on your rate plan.
Rates for calls to interstate (outside Oregon but within the 48 continental United States) are normally billed 5 cents per minute.
Rates for calls to Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are billed at 13 cents per minute. Other Canadian provinces are billed at 12 cents per minute.
Rates for calls dialed to extended domestic telephone numbers are billed at rates shown here.
Rates for calls dialed to all other telephone numbers not shown above are billed at rates shown here.
Some customers may have calling services that include intrastate and/or interstate minutes or minutes at a lower rate.
Customers with their own toll-free numbers are billed for incoming calls to their toll-free number. Normal rates are 5 cents per minute for calls originating within the 48 continental United States. Calls to toll-free numbers that originate from pay phones may be subject to additional charges to compensate the pay phone owner.